So I just wrote a review for USA Auto Glass which is located right next to Suburb Service, an independent Subaru Repair Shop. As I was waiting for USA Auto Glass to open at 9, the industrious folks here were already open and stopped by my car to see if I was there to see them. After a brief conversation about how I was waiting for the other shop to open up, the Suburb Service lady went on her way. As I sat in my beloved 2002 WRX, I thought, man I should see if they can do anything about the underskirt of my car that is starting to drag along the ground. With nothing but time on my hands, I got out of my car and went into their office to ask how much would it cost to repair or replace the part? Well, long story short they gave me a very detailed explanation about how Jiffy Lube's and other oil change places don't remove that skirt and motor oil will eventually drip on the skirt and cause it to sag and eventually tear. As my eyes glazed over from all the details, I brought myself back to consciousness and asked the dreaded question..."So how much does it cost to fix or replace"? $100 or so was their answer. Right...that's not including labor...As I was looking at spending somewhere between $200 - $700 for repairs to my windows, I was a little hesitant. The nice people at Suburb Service probably sensed my reluctance and told me that they offer FREE oil changes for first time customers. Free you say? Also when they change the oil, they completely remove the skirt and replace it so if I wanted to, I wouldn't be charged the labor cost of installing the underskirt. Quite incidentally I was due for an oil change. At this point it was a win win. So I arranged it so that once the auto glass people were done they would hand the keys over to the good folks at Suburb Service and have everything done and waiting for me by 4:30. The people here are very friendly and knowledgeable. Unfortunately they found a few things wrong with my car and gave me a written estimate. No BS or anything like that, just a warning that I would need to take care of it, no pressure to do it with them. I will from now on be going to Suburb Service for all oil changes and car maintenance. If you own a Subaru, do yourself a favor and check these guys out. They specialize in Subaru and are so much cheaper than a dealership.