Posted on 5/1/2023

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash As the weather starts to heat up, ensuring your car's air conditioning is in good working order is essential. Not only does a functioning A/C system keep you comfortable on hot summer days, but it helps prevent engine overheating and keeps your car's interior from warping or cracking due to extreme temperatures. At Suburb Service, we understand the importance of a properly functioning A/C system for your Subaru. That's why we want you to come in and see us for all of your A/C needs! Check our specials page for monthly discounts for our services. Subaru: Even The Toughest Vehicles Need Some Support! Despite Subaru's reputation for reliability, even the best cars can experience A/C problems from time to time. Here are some of the most common A/C issues we see with Subarus and how we can solve them: Weak airflow ... read more