Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!

Category Archives: tires

Ensuring a Smooth Ride with Suburb Service

Have you ever wondered why your Subaru might feel a bit off after a long drive, or why those new tires you just bought seem to be wearing down too quickly? At Suburb Service, we understand the intricacies of your Subaru and are here to ensure it stays in peak condition. One crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance that often goes unnoticed is properly mounting tires. This simple yet essential service can significantly impact your driving experience, safety, and the lifespan of your tires. Whether you’re exploring the scenic trails around Lake Forest Park, Shoreline, or Bothell, you want your Subaru to be in top form for every adventure. What Is Tire Mounting? Tire mounting involves placing new tires onto your vehicle's wheels and ensuring they are securely attached. This process requires precision and expertise to ensure the tires are balanced and aligned correctly. Proper mounting is vital for maintaining the per ... read more



Tire Safety When The Ice Is Melting: The Winter Thaw!

Tire Safety When The Ice Is Melting: The Winter Thaw!

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash Tire Safety When The Ice Is Melting: The Winter Thaw! As the winter thaws and the ice begins to melt, it’s vital to ensure that your tires are prepared for changing conditions. Ice and snow can cause significant wear and tear to your tires, so it’s critical to know the proper steps to take to ensure your tires stay safe. This article will discuss the importance of tire safety when the ice is melting and provide tips and strategies to help you maximize your tire safety. Preparing Tires for Changing Conditions To maximize tire safety during the spring thaw, it’s crucial to ensure that your tires are in optimal condition. This means checking the tire pressure and the tread depth and ensuring that the tires are correctly aligned. Additionally, it’s important to rotate your tires regularly and ensure they are properly balanced. By ... read more

