Posted on 11/1/2023

Photo by Tim Foster On Unsplash Winterizing Your Car: The Essential Steps to Ensure a Safe and Smooth Winter Drive The chill in the air is undeniable. Trees are shedding their leaves, coffee shops are bringing out their holiday-themed lattes, and in Lake Forest Park, WA, residents are gearing up for another winter season. For many, this also means ensuring our trusty vehicles are up for the task. As experts in the world of automobiles, especially Subarus, we at Suburb Service know a thing or two about the importance of car winterization. It’s not just about keeping your car running; it’s about ensuring your safety, the safety of your passengers, and the longevity of your vehicle. In this article, we will touch upon vital winterization practices, focusing particularly on the role of tires in helping all car owners prep for the coming cold. Why is Winterizin ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2022

Photo by nick Kaufman on Unsplash Spring Cleaning time is here! March is here, and spring is on the way! It’s a good time for getting all of your ducks in a row. Taxes need to be calculated before April comes around. Also, it’s time for the house to be cleaned and de-cluttered -- that yearly ritual we call Spring Cleaning. Now that the time has come for some spring cleaning, your Subbie would appreciate the same kind of attention! Giving it some love helps you as a driver– studies show that drivers are more careful with cars that they go through the trouble to clean. (Something to consider if you have a young driver in the home who borrows the car, and takes a few unnecessary risks!) Here’s ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2021

Photo by Matan Ray Vizel on Pixabay As we get closer to the new school year, many first-time drivers will start out on Lake Forest Park roads. It’s an exciting time for them as they discover the freedom that a car and a full tank of gas can bring. Do you have a young driver in your home learning about cars for the first time? Passing on Subbie love is a beautiful experience. Subaru’s state-of-the-art safety features, affordability, and fuel efficiency are just a few reasons why Subaru is a great first car for a new driver. But they must understand the responsibility of upkeep that comes with owning a vehicle for the first time. Here are a few things for new drivers to keep in mind about Subaru maintenance: Read the owner’s manual - this step ought to be obvious, but it’s often skipped. People will only refer to the manual when they need to know something and never take the time to read it. This step should be a gatekeeper to gaining ... read more
Posted on 4/30/2021

Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash Welcome to the new blog! We’re going to talk about the elephant in the back seat: Subaru’s issues with head gaskets. While most Subaru fans LOVE their cars, one of the most frustrating elements of owning a Subaru has been the company’s lack of accountability for faulty head gaskets. Unreliable material in manufacturing has made the head gaskets a regular issue. These are three symptoms to watch for that may indicate head gasket damage: Coolant overflow Coolant or oil leaks beneath your vehicle Overheating engine on highway or mountainous roads Many models were affected over a decade… here’s the Subie models that might need he ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2019
According to the Weather Channel, the average low temperature in Seattle in winter is in the high 30s; and, all Seattle residents know that winters come with freezing rain and snow. Having a strong car battery to get you from place to place is a must. Don't get stranded this year-here are 4 tricks for keeping your car battery charged in cold temperatures. 4 Tips for Keeping a Car Battery Charged In The Cold1. Park your car in the garage. If you have a garage available for use, park your car there at night. This is a simple first step, but it can do wonders for saving your battery during winter. Cold gusts of wind and inclimate weather can kill the battery in your car fairly quickly because of the strain it puts on it. Don't have a garage? Try to park way from the direction of the wind gusts, if possible. 2. Let it warm up first. Before you crank up the heat, blast the radio, and flick on the lights, give your engine a chance to ... read more