Photo by moren hsu on Unsplash
Autumn is upon us, and with school back in session, our lives are going to get a little bit busier. Summer bids us good-bye, but leaves us with new concerns for the Fall, many of which come from our kids returning to school.
We’d like to just say a few words about some of the yearly concerns we see, in the hopes of making this year safer and better for everyone.
The back-to-school period is a moment where we are suddenly reminded of how dangerous a crowd of kids walking together on a sidewalk can be for a driver. Children tend to run in and out of traffic when on the way home from school. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and make sure to stay safe, in order to keep kids safe. If you see kids on roads you are driving in groups, be especially cautious.
Also, September tends to be the moment all the new drivers are first entrusted with a family car. Some will drive with extra caution and care; some will be reckless and put others at risk, drunk on their newfound freedom. For new drivers on the road, it is important to be patient and give them plenty of room. It can take some time for new drivers to get comfortable with driving, so be understanding and don't cut them off. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, so cut them some slack, but be prepared for dangerous drivers, too– give them room and report them, don’t joust with them.
For how your Subaru is holding up after a long hot summer, it is important to keep an eye on your engine’s fluids, tires, and brakes. Make sure there is enough coolant in the system to keep the engine cool during hot weather. Don’t forget to check your oil, transmission, and brake fluid levels. Speaking of which, make sure to get the brakes checked if you haven’t checked them in some time. And if you did a lot of summer driving, be sure to look into the tread of your tire. Rotate them if it will help; replace them if it won’t. And don’t forget that winter will be here sooner than later– plan to winterize your car this year!
If you need a top-up or a tune-up on your Subaru. Please make an appointment with us for anything your Subaru needs. And remember to “Like” our Facebook page for the latest news! Suburb Service is located at 15017 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155. We’re open Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM. All We Do Is Subaru!