Photo by Ronan Furuta on Unsplash
As most Subaru owners will attest, Subaru cars are cars you fall deeply in love with. They have so many wonderful features, and they seem to get more personal to us as the years roll by us. We would never hurt our cars intentionally.
But even people in love with their cars can be terrible about maintaining them. Especially when financial issues arise and you say fervent prayers that nothing will go wrong with the car you depend upon for your errands or your work. If you live paycheck to paycheck in this economy, it’s difficult to see the sense in taking a well-running car into a shop for minor issues and annoyances.
The most important underlying feature of preventive maintenance that we try to convey to Subaru owners is that preventive maintenance saves money.
Hypothetically, if you spent $125 four times per year for the general upkeep of your Subaru, that can seem like a lot– spending $500 in one year. This is why so many people put off their scheduled maintenance– that concept that they are saving money by neglecting their car’s needed upkeep.
But we all know what repair costs are like, and how hard they hit. Preventing systemic breakdowns in your car can prevent engine rebuilds, and promote the longer life of your vehicle. You could spend thousands from a large problem that was once a minor tick. Or you could lose control of your car in traffic, and racks of tens of thousands of dollars. Waiting for problems to occur is a losing game. Getting ahead of your troubles is smart spending.
If you aren’t getting scheduled maintenance performed on your Subaru, this is your invitation to start now and get things as good as the can be. Please make an appointment with us for anything your Subaru needs. And remember to “Like” our Facebook page for the latest news! Suburb Service is located at 15017 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155. We’re open Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 4 PM. All We Do Is Subaru!