Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!

Monthly Archives: January 2021

Big News From Suburb Service

Dear Friends and Family, When Suburb Service’s owner Candy Johns passed away a few short months ago, so very many of you responded with warmth and kindness, and let us know how loved Candy was in the North Seattle community that her shop served. We are forever grateful for the love and care you showed all of us here at Suburb Service, especially to Howard Musolf, her husband. We understand that there may be some anxiety over what her passing wil mean to our shop. There are some ventures that are too specific to a person to continue when they pass. A business can often be like that. Suburb Service, however, is not that kind of business. For almost all of our years, we’ve been a woman-owned business in a largely-male industry. We’ve always been forward-thinking, from the moment Howard began it, to the day he gave it fully to Candy, and in the years she made such a remarkable difference to North Seattle. We continue to be forward-thinking to this day.  Candy was ... read more



Holiday Travel Tips & Tricks In The COVID Era

Holiday Travel Tips & Tricks In The COVID Era

Now that December is here, we can finally share some cheer as the holidays draw near. COVID19 has managed to ruin most of our family memories from this year in some way, from the loss of see our teams play, to not being able to go to church, to our kids missing out on trick-or-treating. If you’re like us, you are determined not to let COVID19 take away the joy of a holiday season. So we’re offering up some holiday travel tips & tricks in the COVID Era. Get Organized In Advance - The first step in every battle is to count the steps to the battlefield. Mapping out everything you want to do, and creating lists, will save you the risk of being out shopping and trying to remember everything you’re going to need. A good hour thinking the whole matter through will save dozens of trips later. For all the trips you take in mid to late December, use pre-planning to save yourself terrible moments where you needlessly risk an infection. If you’re taking a long trip to ... read more


Travel Tips