Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


Best Instagrammable Spots in Seattle in 2020!

Ever take trips in your Subaru just for the "gram? Of course you do-it's 2020 after all-and we have insider knowledge of some of the best spots in the city. If you're looking for the most Instagrammable spots in Seattle, read on. Sunset at Alki Beach by sk is licensed under CC BY 2.0Alki Beach Taking your Subaru out for a summer stroll along the coast? Make a pit stop at Alki Beach near sunset for the ultimate Instagram photoshoot. You'll be able to see how beautiful Seattle looks from across Puget Sound, so get ready to snap away.If you're planni ... read more



Car Meet Etiquette: Here are the 4 Things You Should Never Do

Car meets are slowly becoming a thing of the past-sadly-but they're not over just yet. Out in Seattle and beyond there are still a few diehard car enthusiasts among us. And, what's one of a car maniac's favorite pastimes? Going to a car meet, of course! What's a Car Meet? Car meets are a time for local car enthusiasts to get together to show off their sweet rides and build a community. Back in the day, car meets were a Sunday morning ritual for many small towns across the United States. Car enthusiasts would wake up with the sun and drive to a local Hardee's, grocery store, or parking lot to enjoy their passion, their builds, and talk about their histories with the cars they own. Today, car meets happen less frequently, but they're still important to specialty car owners in 2020. Here Are the 4 Things You Should Never Do at a Car Meet If you decide to go to a car meet in your local area, you'll want to follow an unspoken set of rules. The basic ... read more



Is Tire Sidewall Cracking Dangerous?

Cracked tires are no good-and, often, you'll notice sidewall cracks in your tires first. Sidewall cracking is dangerous because it reduces a driver's ability to handle dramatic increases in load when taking corners and increases the possibility of a tire blowout. Repairing sidewall cracks ASAP is always the best idea. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to have a professional install new tires to help you avoid dangerous situations on icy Seattle roads during the winter months. Why Do Tires Crack? Tires can crack for a number of reasons. Age, wear, and exposure to the elements are the most likely causes of cracking in tires. To understand why, you have to think about your tire's materials. Tires are made of rubber, right? Think about how a rubber band would be affected if left outside in wind, rain, hail, and sunlight for years. Then, imagine you ran that rubber band over asphalt every day-think it would wear out quickly? You'd be right. Rubber ... read more



When Is the Optimal Time to Sell a Car?

Everyone's least favorite car fact? When you purchase a new car, the value drops the moment you drive it off the lot. According to Edmunds, most cars drop in value nearly 20% in the first year...but when is the best time to sell your car to recoup the money you put into it? To avoid any major financial loss on purchasing a new vehicle, you'll want to know when the optimal time to sell. Let's break it down. When Is the Best Time to Sell a New Car? When it comes to selling a car, the best time to sell will vary from driver to driver. Many factors can impact the value of your vehicle-like mileage, age, and wear. As your car ages, you'll need to weigh the pros and cons of maintenance versus shopping for a trade-in. Typically, drivers will make a decision after owning their new car for 30,000 to 40,000 miles. This is when most warranties start to expire and when your first major service usually come due. After the 40,000 mile mark, it's common to need more than j ... read more



7 Things You Should Never Do When Changing a Tire

Flat tire? Yeah, that'll ruin your morning for sure. Let's face it-no one wants to end up with a flat tire on the side of the highway, but life happens sometimes. To make this unpleasant task a little bit easier, you'll want to prepare yourself for the worst situation. Here are 7 things you should never, ever do when changing a tire. 7 Things You Should Never Do When Changing a Tire1. Ignore your tire pressure. When your tire pressure light flashes on, don't ignore it. Keep your tires properly inflated and you'll significantly reduce your chances of having a flat. 2. Not maintain your spare tire. A spare tire can be a lifesaver when a flat tire occurs, but only if it's ready to roll. Learn now how to remove your spare tire and where to find the jack in your car. If you don't have one, it's time to invest to ensure you're always covered in the event of an accident. 3. Break down in an unsafe location. While you ... read more

