Posted on 11/22/2019
Purchasing a new car is a big life decision. If you are deciding between electric and fuel-powered vehicles, you might have a long list of questions for the dealer. What's more expensive...but what's a better investment? How often will I need to charge my electric car? How badly does a fuel-powered car hurt the environment? To be honest, the questions are endless. Thankfully, we've got the answers (or, at least, most of them!). What are the Pros to Owning an Electric Car? Being a responsible citizen? You can absolutely make that happen with an electric car. Owning an electric car can help you reduce your carbon footprint by lowering your emissions as you travel to work, school, and vacation. Plus, they offer a whole host of benefits. Electric cars are energy efficient. First, electric cars are efficient in producing actual energy for powering the wheels. Compared to conventional gas-powered vehicles, electric cars convert up to 62 percent of energ ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2019
Does your brother adore his new Subaru? Have a spouse who's obsessed with his car, truck, or SUV? They're particular about their auto accessories-and that can make holiday gifting quite daunting for family and friends. The good news? Our team at Suburb Service also loves cars and we're happy to share some insider tips to make gift giving a breeze. No matter your budget, you're sure to find something for any car lover in your life. 6 Amazing Christmas Gifts for Car Lovers 1. Car Care Kit Another great option for the Subaru aficionado in your life? Let them keep their car clean and pristine year-round with an indoor and outdoor car care kit. This kit from Armour All contains everything you need to fight fading, lift away dirt, and deliver an incredible shine. 2, Auto Garbage Can For most auto lovers, a clean car is ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2019
According to the Weather Channel, the average low temperature in Seattle in winter is in the high 30s; and, all Seattle residents know that winters come with freezing rain and snow. Having a strong car battery to get you from place to place is a must. Don't get stranded this year-here are 4 tricks for keeping your car battery charged in cold temperatures. 4 Tips for Keeping a Car Battery Charged In The Cold1. Park your car in the garage. If you have a garage available for use, park your car there at night. This is a simple first step, but it can do wonders for saving your battery during winter. Cold gusts of wind and inclimate weather can kill the battery in your car fairly quickly because of the strain it puts on it. Don't have a garage? Try to park way from the direction of the wind gusts, if possible. 2. Let it warm up first. Before you crank up the heat, blast the radio, and flick on the lights, give your engine a chance to ... read more
Posted on 11/4/2019
Washington is beautiful in December-that's undeniable by residents and visitors alike. Adding a little holiday cheer to our great state is easy as throwing a holiday parade and festival of lights. Need some Christmas spirit? Are the kids begging to see some twinkling lights? Here are 5 of the most enchanting Christmas towns to drive to near Seattle. Neale Adams is licensed under CC 2.0 1. Anacortes Ready for a coastal Christmas? Take a trip north to the beautiful city on the water ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2019
LED lighting is becoming more popular as a household item across the board. They're eco-friendly, energy saving, and more durable than traditional lighting-and now the auto industry is taking note. LED light bars were designed, originally, for large diesel trucks to improve their visibility on the highway at night. These types of lights are more reliable than traditional light bulbs and they provide a wide array of benefits. What Are the Benefits for Installing an LED Light Bar?Improved visibility Installing an LED light bar on your Subaru can exponentially improve your night driving visibility. When placed on your vehicle, the light emitting diode or semiconductor diode will project light outward using electroluminescence. Light will extend to a wider range allowing you to clearly see the road and its periphery. Instantly, you'll be able to see the road easier and protect yourself from night creatures like deer. Eco-friendly LED lig ... read more