Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


Suburb Service Announces Customer Appreciation Giveaway

Suburb Summer Giveaway! July 20th-September 6th, 2015 Is your Subaru due for factory scheduled maintenance? An oil change? Or are you hearing a mystery rattle or hum that you need to get looked at? You should never delay having these critical services taken care of, but now the owners of Suburb Service, Candy and Howard, are giving you another reason to come by and get your Subaru checked out. Suburb Service is pleased to announce their annual summer customer appreciation giveaway starting this week and running for the next seven weeks. We know you love your Subaru and we sure love taking care of your Subaru for you so that you, your family, and even your dog are driving safe on Seattle's busy roads this summer. It's super easy to participate in these customer appreciation drawings that will run for the next seven weeks. Just bring your Subaru in to Suburb Service for any service, maintenance or repair at our Seattle or Marysvi ... read more



Subaru Repair



Subaru Maintenance



Subaru Tires Replacement



5 Little Known Subaru Facts and Trivia

If you drive a Subaru, you’re already a convert. You know that they’re great vehicles that can last for years. They’re rugged, good looking and high-performing. And you can drive a Subaru for as long as you want – they’re incredibly durable when properly maintained. For expert care of your Subaru – no matter the make, model or year, turn to Suburb Service – we’re the oldest independent Subaru service center in the Pacific Northwest. 5 Little Known Subaru Facts and Trivia #1 Subaru WRX is the Most Ticketed Car The good news is the Subaru WRX is a sporty fun car to drive. The bad news is that many WRX drivers tend to enjoy driving their car so much that they have a lead foot and go speeding around. This results in traffic tickets. The WRX is preferred by younger drivers that are more likely to put the pedal to the metal and blow through speed zones ... read more

