Posted on 8/1/2022

Image by Davgood Kirshot from Pixabay The summer is nearly over, and we're all thinking about making the most of these summer months outdoors. It's easy to take our eye off the ball where our Subaru is concerned and forget to give it the attention it needs. When was the last time you brought your Subaru in for a tune-up? If you can't remember, it's probably been too long. A tune-up is an important part of regularly scheduled maintenance for your vehicle. When you bring your Subaru in for a tune-up, our certified technicians will inspect and service all the major systems of your car. This includes checking the engine, transmission, brakes, fluid levels, and more ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2022

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay Happy birthday, America! Our annual summer celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence is at hand! We hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July! Independence Day is many things to many Americans. It’s a wonderful teaching moment for the history buffs-- civics, the three-ring Democracy, the Boston Tea Party, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Crispus Attucks, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, the crossing of the Delaware-- the list goes on and on. For others, this is an important time to build character within our family. To the sons and daughters of liberty, it’s a time to reaffirm tha ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2022

Photo by Ronan Furuta on Unsplash As most Subaru owners will attest, Subaru cars are cars you fall deeply in love with. They have so many wonderful features, and they seem to get more personal to us as the years roll by us. We would never hurt our cars intentionally. But even people in love with their cars can be terrible about maintaining them. Especially when financial issues arise and you say fervent prayers that nothing will go wrong with the car you depend upon for your errands or your work. If you live paycheck to paycheck in this economy, it’s difficult to see the sense in taking a well-running car into a shop for minor issues and annoyances. The most important underlying feature of preventive maintenance ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2022

Photo by Daniel Baird on Unsplash As the Spring begins to turn to summer, it’s a good time to consider if your Subaru’s air conditioning is working properly. Is it? The Air Conditioning is not considered by many to be that important to the operation of your vehicle, because almost all Subarus run their Air Conditioning separate from their coolant system. But don't forget that the ac works with the defrost to keep the windows clear from steaming up. As Spring turns to Summer, this is the right time to act, before others need to-- especially during a period of supply chain woes. To many, when money’s tight, it’s more of an inconvenience than a serious problem. You might be able to ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2022

Photo by SD-Pictures on Pixabay Accident Will Happen Being safe on the road is hard enough when everything goes right. One of the biggest slow-down factors in an accident isn’t the obstructions on the road, which are usually cleared quickly; it’s the rubberneckers who want to see what happened and slow down to have a clear view. While you don’t want to be a rubbernecker, you may have something valuable to offer the accident participants if you had a clear view of events, or have a camera that caught the event clearly. And there might be help that you can offer. If you have approved medical training, you might possibly help save a life. When the Worst Happens When the worst happens, it’s important to not let your own curiosity, interest, and opinions get in the way of helping people out of a bad situation. Here are some protocols to fol ... read more