Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


Drowsy Driving: How to Stop Falling Asleep at The Wheel

Long trips in the car can be quite the drag. Whether you're driving home late from work or headed to a vacation destination, drowsy driving isn't uncommon. However, it can pose a serious threat to your well being. Why? Because drowsiness decreases your awareness and can seriously impair judgment. What Are the Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving? Often, you think you can make it one more exit or a few more hours-but when you're tired, drowsiness can take over in a snap. Learn the warning signs of drowsy driving to best avoid any harm-and take action if you find yourself feeling this way behind the wheel. Some of the warning signs include: Yawning and fatigue Lots of blinking Difficulty remembering recent events Traffic errors, like missing your turn Or, drifting from lane to lane Top Tips To Help You Avoid Falling Asleep At The Wheel What can you do to stay safe on the road? Here's how to best combat drowsy driving and stay safe on the Seattle ro ... read more



3 Weird Subarus That Made The Brand An American Favorite

Subaru is a household name in the USA. Americans love a good, dependable ride-and most Subaru models are known for being safe, functional vehicles. They last almost a lifetime (no seriously, a well-maintained Subaru is capable of going for 300,000 miles or more!) and they've even been named one of the "Safest Vehicles For Pets'. If you're buying a family car these days, Subaru is probably (most likely!) on the list. However, Subaru wasn't always the car brand to know-and it wasn't always so mainstream. When the brand first broke into the American market, it brought a variety of weird and unconventional car models to the table-bizarre coupes, odd SUVs and after-thought seat installations were not uncommon. Now, let's take a drive down memory lane-here are four of our favorite weird Subaru models of the past ... read more



How to Protect Your Car From Winter Without a Garage

Let's face it: winter can be brutal on your vehicle. From cold temperatures to inclement weather, you can almost expect a bit of damage to be made to your Subaru if it's left outdoors. Ideally, it's best to put your car in a garage during the Seattle winter-but, what if you don't have the space? You'll have to find another way to protect your car. How to Protect Your Car From Winter Without A Garage - 5 Tips If parking your car in a garage or carport isn't an option this winter, it's best to take extra steps to protect your vehicle from the cold temperatures and winter storms. Here are 5 safety measures you can take. Protect your glass First off, it can be a real chore to get all the snow and ice off your windshield before heading out on a chilly winter morning. Invest in a windshield snow cover-this barrier between your glass and the snow can make your life easier when you don't have a garage. Covering your glass can allow for quick takeoff ... read more



7 Northwest Day Trips to Make the Most of Fall

Looking to frolic in the fall foliage? Want a fall-focused Instagram post that's not you drinking a pumpkin spice latte in the city? Here are 7 of our favorite Pacific Northwest day trips to help you make the most of the fall season. And the best part? They're all no more than two hours from Seattle-so let's start planning! Best Places To Take A Fall Day Trip Near Seattle in 2018Bellevue Botanical Garden by bluebrightly is licensed under CC 2.0Bellevue Botanical Garden Travel time from Seattle: 15 minutes Bellevue Botanical Gardens is the perfect place to ogle the beautiful fall leaves. Offering visitors more than 53 acres of gardens, meadows, wetlands, and woodlands to explore, you'r ... read more



Is Your Car Shaking? Common Problems That Cause Cars to Vibrate

Owning a car comes with a lot of responsibility. At first, a new car offers an easy, care-free way to get around town...then, it gets older. At some point in its life, there's a good chance you'll develop some car problems. For many drivers, one of the most common problems to experience is your vehicle shaking while accelerating or braking. Bothersome vibrations can be a minor fix or they can be a major nuisance. Whatever the case, you're probably wondering: why is my car shaking? And, what can I do to stop it? Here's how. What's Causing My Car To Shake? And, How To Fix It Many car shakes and vibrations can be due to a minor tire issue. In that case, a simple tire rotation or balancing procedure will solve your car shaking woes. In more serious cases, car vibrations and annoying shakes can be due to one of the following issues: Tire Problems If you're jumping to conclusions, start with the tires. Unbalanced tires is one of the most common rea ... read more

