Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


Our Favorite Car Hacks

Who doesn't love hearing convenient life hacks that make an everyday problem so much simpler or affordable? Similarly, car hacks can be time, effort, and money savers for the average person who needs that quick solution. With so many creative ideas out there, we sorted through and chose: Our top 5 car hacks to help you and your Subaru Drop Strip You hurriedly get into the car, rushing to leave for your next destination, when you accidentally drop your keys, phone, or credit card down into that space between your middle console and your seat, which might as well be oblivion. Cramming your hand, wiggling your fingers, reaching for whatever you can grab in hopes of hoisting the item back to the surface. Not to mention all the forgotten pennies and crumbs that seem to endlessly collect, and you hope no one notices. Thankfully, someone ingenuously invented the ... read more



Top Dog Friendly Hikes Near Seattle

Hooray! It's hiking season! The weather is calm, the temperatures are perfect, and the trails are calling your name. Seattle, Washington is one of the best cities to live in for the city experience, while having the ability to venture nearby to dog-friendly hikes right within reach. Enjoy mountain views, rivers, waterfalls, and lakes with your pooch by your side. All you need to do is hop into your Subaru with your favorite "city" dog, and experience a mutual transformation as you both go from city streets to rugged trails. What are some of the best dog friendly hikes near Seattle? Below are a few of our favorites! Dogs must be leashed on each trail, but are welcomed and encouraged to come along as a companion ... read more



Can Dogs Be Left In Cars?

You may have noticed that there are a lot of pets in the Pacific Northwest. It's not rare for pets and owners out and about together, especially in Washington during Spring and Summer with all it's beautiful terrain to explore. It's also not a surprise that many Subaru owners love including their dogs in their adventures. But what happens if you make a pit stop on the way to your destination for a meal or some supplies - do you leave your dog in the car? Or, maybe you simply want to run some errands but bring your pal along with you for the ride, so you leave him in the car while you run in and out of stores. You're plan is to run inside, quickly grab what you need, and be back out within 10-15 minutes. But then you hit a long line, run into an old friend, or get sidetracked shopping for things you didn't know you needed. He'll be okay for a little longer, especially since you cracked the windows, right? Wrong. Can dogs be left in cars on a warm day? Dogs can ... read more



7 Tips to Keep Your Subaru from Looking (and Smelling) Like a Kennel

Calling all dog lovers! It's common, especially in the Pacific Northwest like Seattle, Washington, to see countless cars traveling with their beloved pets. Up here, they're viewed as family! Rain or shine, you can count on seeing owners with a little extra cargo in their Subarus. Our community loves the outdoors: the sea, mountains, coast, hiking - nothing is out of our reach. So, as you most likely are very well familiar, bringing your pups means there's a huge likelihood for a mess, or even a not so pleasant smell. What's the solution? We have some tips to help keep your car clean, smelling nice, while still including the entire (pet) family Tip #1 Heavy Duty Rubber Mats If you have pets, you want to be sure you not only have mats (*ahem* to those of you who don't have ANY), but you want heavy duty rubber mats. This will protect your floors from dirt, mud, rain, slobber, claws, fur, and "accidents". When they are dirty, you just pull them out, spray them down, and start fresh a ... read more



Washington Waterfall Roadtrip: Our Top 5 Waterfall Destinations

It's finally Spring! Which means, for the Subaru family, it's time to explore. It's time to get back out into nature, and take full advantage of our beautiful Pacific Northwest. With your Subaru all tuned up, dewinterized, and ready to go - you only have to decide the destination. Washington has endless options, but have you ever explored the waterfalls? They're are so many, it would take days to track them all down! However, a great place to start, is around the Olympic National Park. Take a day or weekend waterfall road trip and check out these five waterfalls to kick off your new season IMG ... read more

