Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


Synthetic Oil VS Conventional Oil

Every responsible Subaru owner knows that one of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running smoothly is to ensure it is properly oiled. It's not enough to simply make sure that your vehicle has oil in it, it's imperative that it have the proper oil in order to maintain proper working order and longevity. There are basically two types of motor oil to choose from: synthetic and conventional. If you don't know the difference between the two, you've come to the right place. Learn more about Synthetic Oil VS Conventional Oil Let's take a quick look at how engine oil is made. Both synthetic and conventional oil have their origins in plant-based materials. Each oil is processed differently, and it is here where they become independent entities. Let's discuss synthetics. Synthetic oil not only goes through a refining process but is also distilled. In layman's terms, this helps the oil to become more purified and allows it to be more readily customized to suit th ... read more



The Subaru Sound: Boxer Engine

What's that sound? Is it a bird, a plane...? No, it's a Subaru!'s normal. If you have a Subaru, you've probably noticed it sounds a little differently than other vehicles. Maybe you even wondered if something was wrong. That's a common "new user" concern - which easily gets put to rest when they realize it's not just their Subaru, it's everyone's! Living in Seattle, Washington and along the Pacific Northwest, you probably hear the Subaru hum pretty often. But have you ever been told WHY it has its own special sound? Read below to find out. The Subaru Sound: Boxer Engine That distinctive Subaru sound we have all come to know, is thanks to the vehicle's boxer engine, which is different than the engines in other vehicles. This 2.5 liter engine has a horizontal, flat design, with headers that are unequal in length. (Which, for those of you who are not car nerds - that's totally different than other designs with equal length headers.) The header piping from cylinders one a ... read more



Does Everyone in Seattle Drive a Subaru?

If you've spent any time in the Pacific Northwest, especially Washington, you may be wondering if you're hallucinating or if there truly are Subaru's everywhere you look. You know when you buy a car and suddenly you see that same model everywhere? But it's not that the car suddenly became more popular, it's just that you're more aware since your purchase. Well, that's not what's happening here. There really are Subaru's everywhere. No, not every single vehicle is a Subaru (which is beyond us, who wouldn't want one?). However, every 1 in 10 car owners in the Seattle-Bellevue-Everett area owns a Subaru! This is 3x more than any other state. In fact, the top two concentrated metropolitan areas with the most Subaru's belong to our wonderful Washington State. Spokane took first place, with Seattle as second. Why are Subaru's so beloved to us Pacific Northwesterners? What makes them so special? Well, besides the obvious fact that they are the best (not that we are b ... read more



Our Favorite Car Hacks

Who doesn't love hearing convenient life hacks that make an everyday problem so much simpler or affordable? Similarly, car hacks can be time, effort, and money savers for the average person who needs that quick solution. With so many creative ideas out there, we sorted through and chose: Our top 5 car hacks to help you and your Subaru Drop Strip You hurriedly get into the car, rushing to leave for your next destination, when you accidentally drop your keys, phone, or credit card down into that space between your middle console and your seat, which might as well be oblivion. Cramming your hand, wiggling your fingers, reaching for whatever you can grab in hopes of hoisting the item back to the surface. Not to mention all the forgotten pennies and crumbs that seem to endlessly collect, and you hope no one notices. Thankfully, someone ingenuously invented the ... read more



Top Dog Friendly Hikes Near Seattle

Hooray! It's hiking season! The weather is calm, the temperatures are perfect, and the trails are calling your name. Seattle, Washington is one of the best cities to live in for the city experience, while having the ability to venture nearby to dog-friendly hikes right within reach. Enjoy mountain views, rivers, waterfalls, and lakes with your pooch by your side. All you need to do is hop into your Subaru with your favorite "city" dog, and experience a mutual transformation as you both go from city streets to rugged trails. What are some of the best dog friendly hikes near Seattle? Below are a few of our favorites! Dogs must be leashed on each trail, but are welcomed and encouraged to come along as a companion ... read more

