Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


5 Ways to Avoid Getting Your Car Stolen

Have you ever walked out of a store, walked to where you thought your car was, only to feel completely disoriented as to why you don't see your vehicle? Do you instantly have the fear creep up that maybe someone stole your car? But then, you turn around and realize you parked somewhere else, and you were looking at last weeks parking spot. PHEW. Even though we live in the Pacific Northwest which tends to have a friendly, down to earth human vibe, we are not exempt from crime. Whether you're in Seattle, or out toward Mountlake Terrace, there's the possibility for something to happen at any time. Now, we don't want you to walk around in fear of your car being stolen...however, a little wise precaution never hurt anyone. In fact, it could very well deter the crime from happening. What precautions are we talking about? Below are our top 5 ways to avoid getting your car stolen Lock Your Vehicle and Take Your Keys With You Sound like common sense? It is. However, you would be surpri ... read more



What do I do if I put Diesel in my Car Gas Tank?

So, you did it. You made the mistake you thought was never possible. The mistake you used to look at others in shock wondering "how in the world does someone do that?" But now, as you stare at the gas pump with eyes wide open, panic begins to creep in as you realize you accidentally filled your tank with diesel. Somehow overlooking the different color handle, different pump size, different smell, and different location on the pump - okay, so you had a complete brain dead moment - you managed to do the unthinkable to your Subaru. Don't waste time wallowing, what's done is done! Instead, take a deep breath, remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes, and recall our instructions. What do I do if I put diesel in my car gas tank? 4 things... #1 The Most Important Thing to Do Is NOTHING Once you realize your mistake, do not drive your Subaru. Don't even turn your car on! At this point, the damage is not permanent. However, if you turn on your vehicle, or even worse, try to drive ... read more



Most Common Causes of a Check Engine Light and How It Effects Your Wallet

The check engine light: every drivers worst fear. Honestly, wouldn't you rather ANY other light turn on? Tire pressure? Turn signal? Even the brake warning light is better! The problem with the check engine light, is although there are so many reasons for it to come on, we fear the worst - which is pretty much your vehicles death sentence. How many times have you been going along through life, hop in your car, turn on your ignition, and see that little light shine up at you? If you're like us, your initial reaction is, "NO, no, no, no, no, no!" However, if you've been taking care of your Subaru, then there's a good chance your check engine light isn't (hopefully) a death sentence. So, what do you do? Take a few deep breaths, and remain hopeful that when you bring your Subaru to the shop to run a diagnostics test, you'll be relieved to find out the check engine light is on for one of the below reasons. If your check engine light is on, it might be ... read more



The Importance of Windshield Wipers for Safe Driving

The rainy season is upon us in Seattle, Washington. This is the time of year right after the freezing temperatures and ice storms, when ice turns to rain and continues with the muddy decent. During this time, you need a really clear windshield while driving your Subaru, to ensure the safety of your family. Windshield wipers are one of the most underrated part of a vehicle, yet directly affect the vehicles functionality and safety. Those little guys are a lifeline when the weather is anything but clear skies. As small as they are, it's majorly important to keep them up to date and in pristine shape so they can do their job when called upon. How do you know when it's time to switch them out for a new pair? While you're driving, pay attention to how they perform. Do you notice any blurred or streaky vision when it rains? Do your wipers make squeaking noises while they work to clear water from the glass? Are they in such bad shape that they are sk ... read more



Suburb Service Seattle Top Reviews

We love getting feedback from our Seattle, Washington customers! Not only because it's rewarding to hear of a customer's great experience, but also it allows you to get a sneak peek on what you're getting into if you decide to go with us for your Subaru needs. With so many wonderful reviews, we can't possibly share them all! These reviews are pulled from Facebook and Yelp - feel free to check them out for yourself and more! Corey Crisp writes on Facebook "Great service as expected! The staff are friendly, professional, and there to make sure your Subaru is taken care of right. My 60K service was finished faster and cost less than quoted, which is always a plus! It's not often that the best shop to get car maintenance done also has the best prices, but Suburb Service does it!" Evrim Oz shares on Facebook " I've been going to Suburb Service for two years now, and they've grown to be an extension of family. When I mo ... read more

