Subaru News (BLOG)

Welcome to Subaru News, Suburb Service’s monthly blog! Subaru News is meant to educate, entertain, and engage you in monthly musings on such topics as auto mechanics, Subarus, travel, auto repair, and driving and living in the Lake Forest Park and Shoreline area. Our blogs are released on the first day of each month!


How to Get Your Car Ready For Fall

Fall is the perfect time to admire the changing leaves and savor a cup of hot apple cider-but, before you begin enjoying the crisp air, don't wait to check this one thing off your list: prepare your car for cooler weather. How do you prepare your car for fall? Look and listen. 5 Steps to Prepare Your Car For Cooler Weather Fall weather in Seattle isn't quite as brutal as the winter-but we like to look at the cooler temperatures as a preparation period. Prepare your car for winter in the fall to prevent problems down the road. How? Follow these 5 steps in September or October to set yourself (and your Subaru!) up for success. 1. Check your tires. Your tires might just be the most important part of your car to check as you head into icy road season. In the fall, you should make sure that the tread on your tires is still up to par. You'd rather know now that your tires might slip and slide than when it's too late. Let us ... read more



How To Service & When To Replace Spark Plugs

If you woke up this morning to a car that wouldn't start, you're probably frustrated. Your first thought was probably a dead battery-but don't get ahead of yourself. Before you run to the local auto parts store, consider another major cause of a no-start: spark plugs. What Are Spark Plugs & What Do They Do? Spark plugs are a fundamental part of your vehicle's motor. In order for your Subaru's engine to start, you must have a spark that ignites the air and fuel mixture within the car's cylinders. Small but mighty, the spark of electricity emitted creates just the right combustion to start your vehicle. In basic terms, without a spark plug, your car won't start. You won't be going anywhere. And, as experts will tell you, the health of your spark plugs is essential to the health of your vehicle. With a direct link to engine performance, weak or faulty spark plugs can and will lead to problems with your car-so what are you, the Subaru owner, to do? Sig ... read more



How to Remove Bumper Stickers from Your Car

You've added a bumper sticker to your car...but now you're regretting it. Your son didn't make the honor roll this year. You've decided you're a little too old to showcase your former sorority letters Your politics don't quite align with what you're showing off on the road. Whatever the case, you need to know how to remove bumper stickers from your car with ease. Here's how to do so safely-and without leaving sticky residue on your Subaru! Tips on How to Remove Bumper Stickers from Your Car Removing bumper stickers from your car isn't quite as easy as putting them on. Here are 3 tips to make it a little easier on you-and your car! Grab your hair dryer and get to work. Adding heat to a bumper sticker will reactivate and loosen the adhesive on the back. First, soak a rag or sponge in hot water (boiling prefered!) and hold it on the bumper sticker for one to two minutes. Then, blow the hair dryer directly on the bumper sticker. Start at one corner and move across. Once yo ... read more



7 Tips For The New Seattle Driver

As a new resident to the beautiful city of Seattle, you're going to want to learn a few things before settling in. First and foremost, driving in Seattle can leave you a little confused. With over 700,000 people covering only 83.78 square miles (and that's only the people that live here!), it's sure to be a different experience. Are you new to Seattle? Just now getting your driver's license? Here are our 7 tips for the new Seattle driver to keep you safe on the road 1. Always leave for your commute a few minutes early Compared to other major cities, driving in Seattle is much less stressful. Drivers in Seattle are generally polite and cautious. However, you still want to give yourself time to get where you're going. If you don't, you might find yourself in a bit of tough spot with traffic and the stress of not arriving on time-especially if you're a new Seattle driver! 2. Driving in the rain can be a challenge. On average, Seattle experiences ... read more



Why You Should Spend More Time In Nature

As Subaru lovers in the Pacific Northwest, we probably don't need to convince you to spend time in the great outdoors. But did you know you are most likely benefiting in many more ways than you think? Of course exploring our beautiful Washington state and surrounding areas is exhilarating and fun, but it's also good for your health! Here are 6 extra reasons for you to hop in your Subaru and take a joy ride into nature. Improved Mental Health For Real. We all know how it feels to be going along life, using all our resources to the max, and hitting that wall of mental fatigue. When the fatigue goes uncared for, it's easy to slip into a state of depression without realizing you're moving in that direction. Stepping out into nature, taking time to take in the sights and breathe in the air, has the ability to not only restore mental energy, but lift your spirits as well. Studies show that eve ... read more

